1. Introduction

quantumaicanada.org (the “Website”) is an Internet property of Quantum AI Trade (“Us” or” We” or Company”). We created this privacy policy (” Privacy Policy”) so that we may advise you on how our technology system (“Technology”) processes information on behalf of the online advertisers, media partners, affiliates, website owners and any other website, businesses or third party that uses our services. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. You fully agree to this Privacy Policy, in its entirety, when you:

(1) enter or use the Website; and/or (2) enter or use services available through the Website (“Services”).

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, please do not use, or access the Website or apply for the Services.

2. Privacy Statement

2.1 Collection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We collect Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) from this website when you provide it to us by visiting the website, sign up, subscribe, or submit a form on the website in order to receive a certain service.

PII is any information that can be used to name or locate a particular individual or entity. This includes, but is not limited to: name, address, phone number and/or email address.

We continually check our systems and data to ensure the best service for our Users.

3. Cookies & Digital Identifiers

3.1 Usage of Cookies

We may automatically receive and store certain types of information about you through the data sources listed below.

You may be familiar with the term “cookies,” which are unique alphanumeric identifiers that store information on your computer. A cookie is placed on your computer when your web browser accesses our website. We use cookies for tracking transactions and the user characteristics explained in detail throughout this Privacy Policy. If you choose, there are utilities available for purchase from independent software providers to install on your computer as well as tools/preferences you can choose through most web browsers to make website visits anonymous. Of course, cookies let you have a more satisfying website experience, so we recommend that you leave them turned on.

You can always remove and clear our web browser cookies independently by using your web browser tool kit provided by your web browser. In addition to that you can reach out to us directly and request to opt out permanently by sending us an email to the following address – [email protected].

We also collect information through our web server applications. This information includes your Internet Protocol or “IP” address, date/time stamp, browser type, and referring URL. Additionally, we may use pixel tracking technology to track the completion of transactions with us or our advertisers, the source information for those transactions, and your IP address, date/time stamp, browser type, and referring URL.

4. Your Personal Information

4.1 Accuracy of Personal Information

All Personal Information submitted by you must be your own and must be accurate. By using our website and submitting the Personal Information, you warrant and represent that the Personal Information is your own and is accurate.

4.2 How Do We Use the Personal Information?

We may use the Personal Information for any legally permissible purpose and may pass it to 3rd parties for the purpose of providing valuable information to the website users and based on the information requested by them and/or relevant to them as a result of analyzing the data that they share with us on the website.

Such information as mentioned above will be shared with any 3rd party only upon users’ explicit consent via an opt-in mechanism as operated by us on the website.

Pre-select/Pre-fill Offers

Our website technology may pre-select certain third-party offers for you to view based on the demographic and geographic information you submitted to us during your visit to our website and/or the website form that you filled out on or via our website. Additionally, this technology may pre-fill some or all of the offers’ data fields with the Personal Information which you submitted during your visit in order to prevent you from having to re-enter this information. We may not show all of the pre-filled data fields to you.

Third Parties’ Usage of the Personal Information

Third Parties may use the Personal Information for any of their own lawful purposes, and any such usage may be subject to the terms of use and privacy policies established by Third Parties. For example, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Third Parties may use your Personal Information to operate their website promotion, service your account and to fulfill rewards earned through Third Party websites. They may also use your information to verify your identity or claimed account status and, where they consider appropriate, investigate your compliance with the terms and conditions of their Third-Party website promotion or any advertiser offer.

Voice Calls, SMS, Wireless and Other Mobile Offerings

By completing and submitting your Personal Information to us through our website, you are consenting to receive Voice Calls, SMS, wireless or other mobile offering to your cell phone from Third Parties, since we transmit your mobile number to Third Parties as part of the Personal Information. You understand that your wireless carrier’s standard charges and rates apply to these calls and messages. All usage of your mobile phone number by a Third Party is subject to the terms and policies governing same as may be established by the Third Party, and you acknowledge that we are not responsible for any such contact that you may receive from a Third Party.

Where mobile phone numbers are collected by us to pre-fill information for premium SMS or Voice Call advertisers and providers, and should you decide to enter your mobile phone number for such purposes, you are agreeing to such advertisers and providers’ terms and conditions and will be entered into a billing agreement with these advertisers or providers.

4.3 How Do We Share Information?

We may share the Personal Information for any legally permissible purpose in our sole discretion, including but not limited to those explained below, all of which are subject to the above mentioned in clause 4.2.

Within our company

We may share information we collect with affiliated companies, including our parent company and other subsidiaries of our parent company, for use in their ad serving and marketing programs.


We may share your information with various third-party vendors that are not part of our company, including but not limited to vendors that provide us with technology to deploy commercial e-mail or web services.

Advertisers, Marketers and Service Providers

When you participate in an offer by completing a form, we will transfer the personal Information you submitted on the form to the applicable Third-Party advertiser, marketer or service provider either with our own technology or a third-party proxy.

When you answer “yes” or “no” to a survey question, some or all of the Personal Information that you submitted during the website registration process will be transferred to Third Party advertisers, marketers or service providers that we believe may be of interest to you, without providing you with another opportunity to review the information.

When you select “yes” next to an offer, we will transfer some or all of the Personal Information that you submitted to us, to the applicable Third-Party advertiser, marketer or service provider without providing you with another opportunity to review the information, either with our own technology or a third party proxy.

Ad Serving Companies

We may use third party ad networks or ad serving companies to serve advertisements on our websites. We may pass the Personal Information about you to these companies so that they can deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of interest to you. The information passed to these companies may include, but is not limited to, your IP address, e-mail address, name, mailing address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, and any other information you provide to us. Web pages that are served by these companies will be subject to their own applicable privacy policies, if any.

Marketing Partners

We may share, license, or sell your Personal Information to third parties for various marketing purposes, including their online (e.g., e-mail marketing) and offline (e.g., telemarketing, cell phone text messaging, skip tracing, and direct mail) marketing programs.

Data Enhancement/Appending/Validation

We may use third party service providers to enhance our database with additional elements, including but not limited to age ranges present in your household, whether you own or rent a home, the length of time you have lived at your residence, whether you are a mail order buyer or responder, household income, and gender. Further, we may use third party service providers to append telephone numbers to other data points we have in our database. We also may use third party service providers to validate the data we have in our database.

Additionally, we may share, license or sell your Personal Information to third parties for use in their data validation, enhancement, information verification services, and, to the extent permitted by law, individual reference or look-up services.

Governmental Agencies or Other Companies

We may share your Personal Information with law enforcement officials or governmental agencies: (1) in response to their request; (2) when permitted or required by law; or (3) to establish our compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or guidelines.

We may store and share your Personal Information with third parties for suppression or opt-out purposes.

We also may share your Personal Information with third parties when: (1) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; (2) investigating fraud that has already taken place; (3) enforcing or applying existing terms and conditions and/or other agreements; (4) protecting the rights, property or safety of our websites, our users or others; or (5) responding to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

In all such cases, this Personal Information is not provided to these entities or persons for marketing purposes.

Right to Transfer

Should we choose to sell or transfer business assets, it is possible that the Personal Information we possess may be transferred as part of that transaction. We may decide to retain a copy of the information post sale or transfer to the extent required and/or permitted by law.

5. Security

5.1 Security Measures

All given information is stored in a fully secure environment. We use SSL encryption to protect Sensitive Information online, we also fully protect PII (including Sensitive Information) off-line.

Regrettably, no data transmission over the Internet can be fully 100% safe. Therefore, while we fully protect our end-users’ PII, we cannot 100% ensure or guarantee the security of any information that you send to us, therefore please bear in mind the existence of such risk when sending us your information.

Once we receive your PII, we make full efforts to warrant its security on our systems. Access to this information is strictly limited, and in no way accessible to the public.

Any of our end-users’ PII is also limited in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a particular task (for example a customer service representative) are allowed to access to PII. Any employee that does not adhere to our policies are subject to disciplinary action within the law.

6. Copyright Notice

6.1 Copyright Ownership

Copyright and other similar intellectual property with regard to all text and/or images and/or videos relating to the Company’s services and the full content of this website is fully owned by the Company.

7. General

7.1 Agreement to Privacy Policy

By entering this website, you agree to our privacy policy and terms and conditions. Our Privacy Policy cannot be revised, altered, changed, or affixed unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the Company.

8. Notification of Changes

The Company reserves the right to alter these conditions as needed or when it sees fit and without any notice to the User.

Your continued use of the Website will guarantee your acceptance of any changes the privacy policy terms.

9. Deleting your PII

If you’d prefer that we delete any PII that you provided on our website, please send an email to [email protected] and we will process your request, subject to the terms and conditions and any relevant law and regulation.

10. Contacting the Website

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy or the performance of the quantumaicanada.org, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

** The terms and conditions of this privacy policy form part of the Agreement between you (the User) and the Company. Your use of this website and/or registration with the Company suggests your understanding, agreement to and acceptance, of the Privacy Policy and the full Terms and Conditions of the Company.